We are pleased to announce the launch of an innovative purchase system, called BZK Group Purchase Platform, which is the only place that supports the purchase processes in BZK Group and the associated companies.
With this Purchase Platform you will get the faster access to the inquiries submitted to all BZK Group companies and their ordering system. This will allow for optimum use of time and the potential of our businesses. Please be advised that the offers can be submitted only in electronic form - you cannot submit orders as hard copies.
The Purchase Platform is a modern tool used for communication between our suppliers, based on the internet technologies used to facilitate cooperation between the Buyers and Suppliers. We believe that the system will improve our mutual communication as well as the long-term business relationships based on clear rules, ethics and corporate transparency. The Platform also supports the opportunity to promote the Customers’ products and brands.
Upon registering and selecting the purchase category of relevant business profile, each supplier will receive notification about the tenders – all you have to do is check your e-mail often.
We invite you to participate in the proceedings organized by the BZK Group Sp. o.o. through our Purchasing Platform.
Queries should be addressed to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.